System Preparation

Before installing FlueNT10G, the host system (both hard- and software) must be prepared. We’ll start with the hardware and then move on to the software.


This documentation assumes that you are in the posession of a NetFPGA-SUME FPGA board. The board must be plugged into a PCI Express Gen3 (at least eight lane) slot. The NetFPGA guys provide a list of motherboards, which have been tested with their board. Make sure to attach the FPGA board’s PCI Express Auxiliary Power connector to ensure stable operation.


FlueNT10G is developed and tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). Please install the following dependency packages before continuing:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y unzip wget build-essential linux-headers-generic golang

Environment Variables

The following sections describe how to set the FLUENT10G and GOPATH environment variables.


To make things easy, we choose a working directory for FlueNT10G and set up an environment variable pointing to it. In this documentation, our working directory is ~/fluent10g, but feel free to adjust. After creating the directory, we set up $FLUENT10G to point to the working directory. Updating the .bashrc will make that configuration persistent. If you are using a different shell, please update the commands accordingly.

mkdir ~/fluent10g
echo "export FLUENT10G=~/fluent10g" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


The measurement applications, which control the behavior of the FlueNT10G network tester, are written in Go. When working with Go, we must set the GOPATH environment variable to point to the directory holding the source code and binary files of all Go projects. In this documentation, we set the GOPATH to ~/go (which is actually the default value). Feel free to use any other path. You can find more information on the GOPATH environment variable here. Again, if you are not using bash, please update the commands accordingly.

mkdir ~/go
echo "export GOPATH=~/go" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Xilinx Vivado

To generate the FPGA bitstream, please install Xilinx Vivado 2018.3. Please ensure that a Xilinx 10G Ethernet MAC license is installed (separate purchase/donation required), otherwise you will encounter problems during synthesis/implementation.

Xilinx PCIe DMA driver

FlueNT10G depends on the Xilinx PCI Express DMA driver for data transfers between host system and the FPGA. We first clone the repository (containing different kinds of DMA drivers), which is maintained by Xilinx:

git clone

Compile and install the driver (we need the XDMA driver):

cd dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/xdma/
sudo make install
sudo depmod

Load the driver and configure the system to automatically load the driver after reboot (poll mode is enabled to increase transfer performance):

sudo modprobe xdma poll_mode=1
sudo sh -c "echo 'options xdma poll_mode=1' >> /etc/modprobe.d/xdma.conf"

ZeroMQ (optional)

If you are planning to use the FlueNT10G Agent for communication with the device-under-test, the ZeroMQ messaging library needs to be installed. Please follow the instructions below to compile and set up the library:

mkdir $FLUENT10G/zeromq
cd $FLUENT10G/zeromq
tar xfz zeromq-4.3.1.tar.gz
cd zeromq-4.3.1
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/install
make install
sudo cp ./install/lib/pkgconfig/libzmq.pc /usr/share/pkgconfig